
Fintech Startup That Raised $100 Million From Investors Bessemer And Coatue Is Abruptly Shutting Down

October 5, 2023


Nathan received his MBA in finance and international business administration from the University of Illinois, Chicago, and his B.S. In production and operations management from California State University, Chico. ScaleFactor’s closure is yet another symptom of the pandemic’s varying effect on venture-backed startups. Some technology firms that enable remote workforces to thrive — such as workflow software startup Notion or cloud-based design company Figma — have seen their valuations soar far north of $1 billion.

At Accountingprose we strive to adopt the best and latest technology and automate our solutions wherever possible. We recognize, though, that the most important part of the accounting engagement is the human relationship; providing timely, data-driven, and bespoke advice to our clients. Perhaps not all parts of accounting, but the day-to-day minutiae will eventually be handed over to the robots.

Scale Factor of Other Figures

You might need to flip or rotate the figure to align the two shapes and get the corresponding side lengths. These two sides should have a length that may be measured or provided to you. You cannot determine the scale factor if you do not have at least one side length for each figure. Accounting Prose empowers our clients with the accurate data they need to make crucial financial decisions and successfully scale their business. As a small business owner, managing sales tax can be a complex and time-consuming task. In some cases, this will involve a direct sale but, in other instances, ScaleFactor will do this through partnerships.


Deeter told Fortune that small businesses can now use many of the same powerful financial analytics tools deployed by large companies. This is largely due to cloud based computing, he said, which makes it easy to market and distribute software into any market, no matter how small. Deeter added that companies like ScaleFactor are emblematic of a trend in which small and medium businesses are incrementally automating their operations. But those startups that rely on the success of industries like travel and real estate, which have been decimated by the pandemic as consumers have stayed home, have been forced to raise more funding, layoff workers, or close.

Matter-dominated era

Nathan is a Senior Research Analyst at G2 focusing on finance and accounting software and their respective markets. Coming from the world of finance, Nathan understands and is familiar with the importance of finance/accounting software, and the complexities, struggles, and nuances that come with them. He has over 15 years of analytical experience in industries ranging from health care and transportation logistics to food service and software.


In another case, it has been able to issue an early warning that a business was at risk of missing payroll, allowing the owner time to free up funds. What the business owner really cares about are insights that can guide them forward on a tactical basis,” he said. An early-stage (pre-seed and seed) investor would welcome temporary tricks as fake automation because they would allow the company to develop the tech solution after the demand for it has been validated and while testing it on real customers.

Solved Examples of Scale Factor

By the end of last year, software startup scalefactor had emerged as a buzzy financial services company, raising $100 million in 12 months from big-name investors including Bessemer Venture Partners and Coatue Management. Covid-19 swept the United States the following month, and existing customers weren’t buying in; Robert and Cornelia Stang balked after being told their contract would jump from $500-a-month to $1,700. In the spring, investors discussed ScaleFactor’s future before deciding to shutter operations, according to a person with knowledge of the discussions. Some customers were offered discounts in exchange for a reference; others were signed on without billing information, former sales employees say. The company celebrated by throwing them a party at an arts and crafts factory in East Austin, where employees took photos with oversized bonus checks.

“We really thought we could automate the entire back office of a small business,” said Kurt Rathmann. Are you a business owner who dreads the thought of filing your taxes each year because it feels like understanding all the details and rules… Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have worked extra hard to help our clients stay afloat and find new opportunities.